When it comes to journaling, I’m perpetually in writer’s block. I never fail to find myself staring at a blinking cursor or a blank notebook paper. My productive moments were haphazard at best--short bursts of writing followed by insanely long silences. It seemed that I only knew what to write when I was feeling some intense emotion.
Well, I WANT to change all that. To give this new blog some momentum and my journaling some focus, I’ve done the following:
- Joined NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). Although prizes are only awarded in November, they do have monthly themes to help give focus. I don’t have to follow the theme religiously, but it’s there to fall back on. I do agree that limits can sometimes “free us to think in new ways” (Source: FAQ).
- Consolidated all my journaling blogs into one. Yes, I had three different blogs--one focused on creative writing, another on picture captioning, and lastly on typical memoir journaling. Well, over the weekend I transferred all posts written since the start of 2009 (plus an introduction) from those blogs into this one.
- Created a daily posting schedule. Yet another way to help give me focus. I will post that schedule on March 1st, and begin using it then.
- Set up a “tickler” file. Now, when I like a quote, recall an interesting memory to share, or whatever passing thought or info that could help tickle out a good post from me, I’ll record it in Evernote for future reference. Actually I’ve been collecting these ideas for some time now, so I hopefully have a healthy buffer already.
Ok, that’s it for now. I will share more when I think of them. :)
What do you do to help keep a steady stream of posts happening on your blog?
Photo source: "If I Had Something to Say" by re_birf on Flickr